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Colegio Mayor Santo Tomás de Aquino (Madrid)
Category: Coed/Mixed "Colegio mayor" style residence hall
Rent: From 1.330 € / month
C/ Leonardo Prieto Castro, 6.
28040 Madrid, Madrid
El Colegio Mayor Santo Tomás de Aquino (AQUINAS) está ubicado en la zona próxima al Paraninfo de la Ciudad Universitaria (detrás de la E.T.S.I. de Telecomunicaciones) y cerca de varios centros de la Universidad Complutense y Politécnica.
Admission requirements
Cursar estudios universitarios en Madrid. Acreditar un elevado expediente académico. Certificado médico.
Characteristics common to all rooms.
177 habitaciones individuales y 8 dobles
Room types and prices
Room Type | Description | Price/Month | Capacity |
Habitación individual | Pensión completa de lunes a domingo, festivos incluidos. | 1.330 € | 2 People |
Handicapped accessible, Air conditioning, Parking, Bar and/or cafeteria, Library, Chapel, Kitchen, Dining hall, Gym, Lawn and/or garden, Self-service laundry machines, Vending machines, Swimming pool, Sports fields/courts, Arquitecture/Drawing room, Movie hall, Conference room, Study lounge, Music room, Meeting room, TV Room, Auditorium, Terrace/patio
Internet in student rooms (WiFi and/or ethernet), Room-cleaning service (not daily), Daily press, 24 hour receptionist, 24 hour security guard, Laundry service, Premium television channels, WiFi in common areas
Meal plans
Breakfast, lunch and dinner
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Colegio Mayor Santo Tomás de Aquino
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