¿Cómo Elegir entre Residencia Universitaria, Colegio Mayor o Piso?

Por Redacción January 31, 2023
Before jumping into the pros and cons, the first thing to do is to have an understanding of the different options. Although the variety of types and styles of accommodation is great, in general they can all be classified as university residences (also called halls of residence), halls of residence or shared apartments.
You may be asking yourself, but isn't a residence hall the same as a college? Some people use the two terms in the same way, but it is important to distinguish between them. They actually correspond to two very different types of student housing. Let's start with residence halls.
University Residences
You can think of university residences as a kind of hotel for students. You sleep there, and you can eat there (full board is typical). For doing your laundry there will be a laundry room, or there may even be a laundry service where you drop off a bag of dirty clothes and they return your clothes clean and ironed.
The quality of the rooms and facilities may vary between "royal palace" and "shack", but the main purpose of all is the same: to keep you dry and warm when it rains. They also feed you, and provide facilities for cleaning your clothes and personal hygiene (very important especially if you share a room!).
University Halls of Residence
A college is like a university residence... with an important difference. While the typical student residence is limited to giving you a place to live, study, eat and watch TV, a college is also concerned with giving you "a cultural and often moral formation that complements the knowledge acquired in the career", to use a typical phrase.
If you are thinking uff what a drag! let me translate "cultural and moral formation" in more palatable terms. I'm talking about: sports competitions between schools, cinema cycles, theatrical plays, artistic and musical competitions, famous speakers, solidarity actions, among a long etcetera. And all organized, directed and participated by the students themselves. That is, by YOU!
All these activities together with your classmates, besides being cool, tend to make a lot of people. If you talk to students who live or have lived in a community college (and I recommend that you do), you will find that many of them love their community college like their own mother. You might even get a tear in your eye when they reminisce about their time there. And I'm not kidding. Well, hardly at all.
Now that I've explained the big difference between residences and colleges, you should know that the contrast is not always so clear-cut. There are residences that have the traits of a college, and colleges that lack facilities or organizational impetus and may resemble a residence. But in general they are quite different.
At this point, even if you were clear that you would prefer to live, for example, in a nursing home... you would still have to decide which one. Is it all the same? Wrong answer. No two residences, let alone two colleges, are the same. If you want to get the most out of your college years - and you deserve it - you're going to have to spend some energy researching residence halls and colleges to identify where you'll be happiest.
If your college is small or has an isolated campus, you may not have many options. On the other hand, if you choose a large university in a big city, there may be so many residence halls to choose from that you won't know where to start. The Complutense University of Madrid, for example, has more than 40 colleges and universities. But when you start looking at them more closely, you'll discover that each one is different and some will appeal to you more than others.
Here are some criteria you might want to keep in mind. Everyone has their own priorities, and you'll probably have some criteria that we haven't included. Make your own list of criteria, and keep them in mind as you research the different options.
Mixed or male/female?
Both the residences and the colleges can be: mixed, male or female. They are neither worse nor better, just different. And if you think the single-sex ones are necessarily more boring than the mixed ones, you're wrong. Talk to people who live there and you'll see.
The rules of the game.
Different residences will have different rules designed to facilitate coexistence and ensure the safety of residents. Yes my friend, there are rules. But we are free creatures, and you are free to choose the place whose rules you agree with the most (or, if you're a pessimist, the ones that bother you the least). What kinds of rules are we talking about? Some examples:
- Noise. Some residences and colleges have quiet hours. It may affect you if you like to play loud music, or play the trumpet, or dance flamenco.
- Guests. There may be rules limiting who can enter the building or rooms, and at what times. There is everything from buildings where no one who doesn't live there can ever enter, to places where you can let anyone you want in at any time of the day or night.
- Curfew. Some places go a step further, and limit when you can come and go. Do you want the freedom to come and go at any time, or maybe you prefer the peace of mind of knowing that your roommate will never wake you up at 3 a.m. coming back from a bender?
- Your stuff. Some places put limitations on the things you can have in your room. Of course those firecrackers should be left at home, but that electric heater? Your El Fary poster?
- Smoking or not? If you don't smoke, maybe you prefer a residence where no one smokes.
- The facilities - do you like them? Are the bathrooms individual or communal? Is there Internet in every room? What sports facilities do you have?
- Life. If it's a community college, the "clique" factor will make the difference between a dorm room and a life-changing experience. Is it the kind that inspires tears of joy or yawns of indifference? Are the residents close-knit, or are they a bunch of wimps? The best way to find out is to talk to the people who live there.
Shared Apartment
If in a residence you are immersed in the student universe, living in a shared apartment is like living on the border between the University and the dreaded "real life". One of the big differences is that in an apartment no one sets the rules. Or rather, the rules are the ones you impose on yourself and the ones you agree on with your roommates.
It may seem very cool, but it is also a great responsibility. Nobody is going to tell you what time you have to be home, but nobody is going to do the dishes for you. And it's not always easy to agree with your roommates. In an apartment there are many more things to disagree about than in a room in a nursing home.
One of the most problematic issues is cleaning: Who is going to clean the toilet bowl, and how often (recommendation: at least once a week, whoever it is!)? Do dirty dishes have to be washed immediately, or is it better to leave them for "tomorrow"? Another source of discussion that often arises is money. In an apartment there are common expenses. In addition to the rent, there is the heating, the ADSL line, the cleaning products and more. It is enough that one person does not pay on time, contributes less, or consumes more than the others and the quarrel is served.
That said, if it were impossible to live happily in a shared apartment, nobody would do it. It does require a great deal of responsibility and commitment on your part, as well as on the part of your roommates. You will learn a lot about living together, perhaps more than in a dorm, and the independence it gives can be very rewarding. But I'll give you my personal opinion. If you can, especially the first year, live in a dorm or college.
You will have realized that college life goes far beyond classes. An important part of what you will take with you after 4 or 5 years in college are the friendships you have made, and the experiences you have had outside the classroom. Freshman year is when you will forge some of your best friendships. There may be no other time in your life when you will meet so many new people your age, all looking to make new friends.
In a residence hall you are right in the middle of this cauldron of people, ideas and energy. Living in an apartment doesn't mean you're left out either, but you lose that immediate and constant contact.
How to get the accommodation of your dreams
Start thinking now about what your ideal residence would look like. While researching different universities, also research the surrounding residences. Ask the university for information, and also ask them if they are only giving you information about their own dorms. Many times there will also be private residence halls that you may want to consider.
If you are able to visit the university, take the opportunity to talk to students and get their opinions about different housing options. Keep an open mind. Maybe a student will tell you about an experience or give you advice that will make you rethink some of your criteria.
Whatever your preference is, living in an apartment, residence or college, my best advice for the search is the same. Look early! in March if you can, but in any case before you do the Selectividad. Every dorm and college has limited space, and you wouldn't be the first person to find their ideal place, only to find out it's full. The best places are snapped up quickly, and if you wait too long you'll be stuck with an expensive apartment, a miserable apartment, or both.
Where you live will make a big difference in your first year of college. Take the time to make a good choice and you will be grateful when classes start.
Yo vivo en pisos de
Yo vivo en pisos de alquiler, y me he encontrado por duplicado con las dos caras de la moneda. Llevo 4 años, el primero y este actual, convivo con mi primo, y es de puta madre todo, lo que significa que convivir con alguien que conoces es lo ideal. Por el otro lado, me he dado cuenta de que las chicas, sobre todo extranjeras no son tan limpias ni miran tanto por la otra persona. No limpiar, no quitar pelos del sumidero del baño, no limpiar platos, TV alta de noche, fiestas entre semana, perro que caga y no limpia la dueña... en fin, son cosas que hay que soportar. A parte, están los tipicos problemas de limpieza, grupito, mal rollo, chismorreo, putaditas, etc. Nunca convivi en una Residencia, yo soy de Huelva, y el año que viene me voy a Sevilla o Granada, me buscaré algo que esté cerca de la Uni y del Centro, cosa difícil pero bueno. Demasiados, DEMASIADOS factores para encontrar tu sitio ideal.
Hola, soy universitaria y he
Hola: Pues te cuento que
Si eres de primero y te vas
Si eres de primero y te vas a una gran ciudad como Madrid o Barcelona el colegio mayor es lo ideal ! En una semana vas a conocer a mas gente que nombres puedas recordar, te pues pasar septiembre y octubre saliendo de lunes a domingo y sorprendentemenrte encontras tiempo para estudiar y aprobar todas ! En los dos primeros años es lo mejor y luego en tercero se suele ir a piso con los amigos de la resi ! En la residencia / colegio mayor no te vas a aburrir nunca porque siempre hay alguie que estudie contigo o que salga o siemplemente que te acompañe con palomitas y una peli en el proyector. Los horarios de la mayoria de las residencias y colegios mayores estan de decoracion (hay alguna excepcion). Los contras es que quizas te prohiben tener nevera en la habitacion (o algun electrodomestico que probablemente terminaras colando) y que nunca estas solo. A parte de la cantidad de actividades: teatro, deportes, seminarios etc... A la facultad se va a estudiar la autentica vida social se hace en una residencia o colegio mayor. (Femeninas o masculinas suelen tener mejor royo que las mixtas, tambien en cuanto a otras residencias) Ademas la direccion del lugar suele ayudar mucho para situarse en la ciudad.
Me parece muy bueno el
Me parece muy bueno el enfoque con el que está tratado el tema, muy neutral y objetivo
Detalles a tener encuenta
En primer lugar, este comentario es muy especifico dado que no conozco las otras Residencia, pero indicar que en residencia universitarias como la nuestra (RUA) se establecen relaciones muy amplias tanto a nivel de convivencia como de colaboración como en las cenas de bienvenida, de navidad y de fin de curso. Se apoyan en la sal de estudios pues nos encontramos con gran diversidad de estudiantes y de diferentes niveles. Hacen salidas en grupo al cine, al teatro y en infinidad de actividades, apoyandose a la hora de gestionar asuntos personales como darse de alta para recibir los servicios de la comunidad (medicos, sociales, ventajas económicas, etc...).
Este comentario viene a razon de lo escueto y restringido de vuestro comentario que, precisamente no loa las grandes vivencias y aprendizajes de nuestras instituciones.
Gracias de antemano por dejar expresa mi opinión. Un saludo
Residencia Innpozuelo
Estuve alojada alli durante dos años y me encanto. Super comoda en todo. La comida muy rica, especialmente la pasta y los estofados. Echaba un poco de menos las patatas fritas eso si pero bueno, no engorde demasiado
Muy práctico
Gracias por la página y las aportaciones,
Me interesa por multiples factores: como padre, como orientador escolar y para recomendarsela a mi hija que inminentemenete va a Granada.
Espero que mi participación ayude a actualizar comentarios, y sugiero que intentemos encontrar comparativas de precios, No he visto en ningún sitio comparativas, es más en muchas ocasiones ni siquiera encuentro, público en sus resèctivas páginas web, los precios de las residencias.
Como muy bien se expresa en el inicio, no todas las residencias o colegios son iguales, y por eso mismo echo de menos tener más a mano el importe de las cuotas.
Si sabeis de algún sitio en donde se encuentren esos datos para facilitar la comparativa compartirlo porfa ;)
me interesa Granada.
Este sitio me ha parecido muy ilustrativo.
Gracias gracias
residencia de estudiantes en Barcelona
Sí, es cierto que las residencias son una alternativa muy eficiente para los estudiantes. Para los padres a veces es difícil determinar cuál será el alojamiento ideal para sus hijos, y por eso, las residencias deben estar completamente preparadas para "subsanar" esa carencia familiar.
Hola a todos, me voy a Barclona por un semestre a estudiar , queria recoendaciones en cuanto a que univeridad me recomiendan y residencias para alojarme.
Muchas gracias (:
Hola! Si estas haciendo una ingenieria te recomiendo la UPC, si haces más bien medicina o parecido la UAB, y si cursas economia, derecho, filologia o algo por el estilo UB o UPF.
Llego a Madrid para cursar un Master en la Universidad Politecnica y quisiera saber de un par de residencias buenas que alguien pueda suegerir
Buenas, estoy pensando en
Buenas, estoy pensando en irme a estudiar fuera y me gustaría saber realmenten cual de las dos (residencia o colegio mayor) se tiene por lo general mas libertad para salir, llegar a una hora determinada, etc... Básicamente en cual te tienen mas controlado o en cual tienes mas libertad
Hola, me ha encantado el comentario pero me gustaría saber si alguien tiene idea de que universidad de Salamanca tiene los horarios menos restringidos y cual te da más libertad con los invitados de fuera, gracias!!!
Encontrar Residencia
Yo estoy en una residencia en Madrid y sin duda fue una gran elección.
Un abrazo!
Tanto para padres como estudiantes es de ayuda contar con residencias, por una parte las necesidades básicas están cubiertas y por otro lado se pueden comenzar a crear esos vínculos entre recién llegados para enfrentarse a la ciudad que será su casa por los siguientes años. Por ejemplo existen muchas residencias barcelona que además de ofrecer alojamiento, tienen calendarios con otro tipo de actividades, desde cursos hasta excursiones. Todo depende de lo que necesiten las familias y a lo que puedan acceder con más facilidad.
Residencia en Salamanca o Santiago de Compostela
Buenas, queria saber si alguien me podria ayudar y recomendar alguna residencia en salamanca o Santiago que sea economica, o por lo menos asequible. Si sabeis alguna pagina o algo para reservar etc lo agradeceria.
Animales y residencia, Sevilla o Madrid
Hola, me gustaría preguntar si conocéis de alguna residencia que admita animales. Muchas gracias.
Qué buen artículo
Me ha gustado mucho. Estoy intentando informarme para iniciar mi vida universitaria y estos artículos son de mucha ayuda.
Mil gracias.
Hola somos tres estudiantes españolas de 22 años, vamos este curso a Bérgamo a estudiar, una 6 meses otra 4 y otra todo el curso. Estamos buscando un piso para poder compartir. Ustedes ofrecen pisos de alquiler?
Acomodaciocion de 22/05 a 15/06
Nas proximidad da Universidad de Dercho Granada.
Soy Doutorada em Criminologia