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How many student residences are there in Castelldefels
For Castelldefels we have information on 1 student residence halland 0 'Colegio Mayores'.
How much do student residence halls in Castelldefels cost?
In 2025 a typical room in a student residence in Castelldefels averages around 450 - 550 €/month. The most expensive rooms can cost as much as 850 €.
Residence type
- 124 hour receptionist Apply 24 hour receptionist filter
- 124 hour security guard Apply 24 hour security guard filter
- 1Internet in student rooms (WiFi and/or ethernet) Apply Internet in student rooms (WiFi and/or ethernet) filter
- 1Room-cleaning service (not daily) Apply Room-cleaning service (not daily) filter
- 1Towel and bed linens/sheets service Apply Towel and bed linens/sheets service filter
- 1WiFi in common areas Apply WiFi in common areas filter
- 1Air conditioning Apply Air conditioning filter
- 1Auditorium Apply Auditorium filter
- 1Conference room Apply Conference room filter
- 1Game room Apply Game room filter
- 1Gym Apply Gym filter
- 1Handicapped accessible Apply Handicapped accessible filter
- 1Meeting room Apply Meeting room filter
- 1Self-service laundry machines Apply Self-service laundry machines filter
- 1Study lounge Apply Study lounge filter
- 1TV Room Apply TV Room filter
- 1Vending machines Apply Vending machines filter
Student residence halls
Residence hall (Coed/Mixed)
Facilities: Handicapped accessible, Air conditioning, Gym, Self-service laundry...
481 €
person / month
What are the most affordable student residence halls in Castelldefels?
According to our 2025 data, the most economical student residences in Castelldefels start at just 481 €/month. You can order the listings above by price to see the least expensive Castelldefels residences first.
Recommended student residences in Castelldefels
If you are looking for student housing in Castelldefels, we invite you to take a look at some of the following residence halls:
Residences in Castelldefels with the best reviews
These are the student residence halls in Castelldefels with the highest ratings according to our users: